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Einkaufen in Monheim am RheinBücher & MedienBücherSachliteraturThe Path to a Soviet Nation | Marková, Alena

The Path to a Soviet Nation | Marková, Alena

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The book sheds light on processes of Belarusian nation-building and identity formation during the interwar period. It provides a complete analysis of the Soviet policy of Belarusization in interwar Belarus (1924-1929). The analysis covers issues pertaining to the formation of national identity, the incorporation of the Belarusian national language into educational and administrative spheres within the policy of Belarusization and its acceptance by the different strata of the multi-ethnic society in the BSSR of that period. The monograph also sheds light on the reasons for the launching and ceasing of that policy as well as on the interrelation between the Communist Party and the Belarusian national intelligentsia.


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Alte Schulstraße 35, 40789 Monheim am Rhein


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