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Einkaufen in DeutschlandBücher & MedienBücherSachliteraturSachliteratur für JugendlicheExplorers of the New World: Discover the Golden Age of Exploration | Mooney, Carla

Explorers of the New World: Discover the Golden Age of Exploration | Mooney, Carla

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Verkauf durch Buchhandlung Mirhoff & Fischer in Bochum

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Explorers of the New World: Discover the Golden Age of Exploration offers a fascinating look at the explorers and their voyages during the Age of Exploration and Discovery. Readers ages 9-12 can delve into the expeditions of Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, John Cabot, Hernan Cortes, and more. Using common household items and minimal supervision, kids enjoy 22 hands-on activities to help them learn about these legendary explorers and their voyages. This age group will see how the adventures of a few people in the 1400s through the 1600s changed world history. Projects include creating and using a compass, learning to tie a sailor's knot, and baking and eating sea biscuits. Along with detailed, step-by-step instructions for each project, Explorers of the New World includes biographical sidebars, engaging illustrations, interesting facts, and vocabulary words that allow kids to experience this era in a fun, interactive way.


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