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Your Own Infinity

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Verkauf durch Buchhandlung Jürgensen am Kaiserplatz in Wuppertal

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Deutschlandweite Lieferung

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Infinity, God, the Unknown! There are countless names and approaches towards the Infinite. Yogi Bhajan shared many ways to connect with that exalted elevated state of consciousness. Some of these paths are included here. In virtually every lecture, Yogi Bhajan steered us to God, to the Infinite, and to ourselves. Sometimes, he dropped a pearl of wisdom that shattered our misconceptions, our preconceptions, and exposed our astounding lack of perception. He found the angles that could penetrate our consciousness and clear a path to awareness. There is a thirst to 'know the unknown,' to connect with the Divine, to experience Infinity, and to be the highest-consciousness being possible. 'Self-Realization is God-realization. What is your self-realization? This is yourself. Know it, feel it, touch it.' -Yogi Bhajan Its 320 pages share practical wisdom from Yogi Bhajan to help realize the consciousness of the divine. There are 26 kriyas and meditations, specially selected to provide you with the experience of rising above your finite self and merging with the infinite.


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Vohwinkeler Straße 1, 42329 Wuppertal


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